Entry into Austria (as of 08.12.2021)
Every guest (older than 12 years) must present a valid proof of vaccination or confirmation of a passed Covid_19 infection ("2-G" rule) at the check-in. For children between 12 and 15 years is the "Ninja Pass" permitted. During holiday season, an antigen test is valid for 48 hours and an PCR-test for 72 hours. This also applies to foreign children. From 19. Feburar 2022 3G applies for all tourism in Austria.
Please observe the repective travel regulations of your country!
However, we recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance at europäische.at
When does a reservation become firm and binding?
Your reservation is binding upon written confirmation and you will also be asked to pay a deposit.
General cancellation conditions
In order to minimize your costs in the event of a cancellation, we work closely with the Europäische
Travel Cancellation Insurance as a partner. Below you will find the benefits of the
cancellation insurance, which you can take out directly with a booking.
Otherwise, the cancellation conditions according to the general terms and conditions for the hotel industry apply according to our general terms and conditions.
We are there for you on +43 (0) 6452 40140 or around the clock by e-mail at info@alpenhof.net